Hello everyone!
This blog is all about Battlefield 3. I will discuss about the game mechanics, give out gameplay hints and tips, talk about updates etc. Below is a bit of my background as a player and also more detailed explanation of what this blog is about.
I started playing games when my parents bought our first computer. Since then I always had a thing for first person shooters. It was the mid-late 90's. I have a long history in FPS games starting from Wolfenstein 3D, Doom 1& 2, Duke Nukem 3D, then later it was Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Counter-Strike, Battlefield 1942 (I loved the Invasion of Normandy map) then the latest game FPS game was Enemy Territory. After that I kind of slipped into RPG's and whatnot playing World of Warcraft and some strategy games and I always found Blizzard's Diablo series on of the best game series of all time. At the time Diablo 1 was selected game of the year in 1996 and it was revolutionary back then. Diablo 2 was another huge game in the millenium with the expansion and lately I also played plenty of Diablo 3 which was a slight disappointment and is also another story and I'm quite off topic as it is.
In Battlefield 3 I am currently Colonel service star 9 and have 145 hours played. During those 145 hours I have unlocked almost everything in game with few exceptions. All of my classes have at least one service star and I have also unlocked most vehicle upgrades. I feel pretty confident on battlefield and pull off pretty okay statistics each round. I own Battlefield 3 premium and get all the expansions in advance of their scheduled launch dates. Currently my favourite maps are from Back to Karkand expansion, but I find Armored Kill maps very interesting. Once I play more of them I'm pretty sure it's the best expansion yet.
Due to fact that I don't have too much time to play these days I only play public games though I'd really like to try this game in a clan. Clan matches really bring another dimension to every FPS game and I encourage everyone to try it. The difference between clan and public games is the team work which is really hard to achieve with an average public player mostly due to lack of communication (voice) and also most players in public are inexperienced. I've tried to make friends with any decent team player I meet, but I still don't have enough friends to have players online when I get the time to play. Also my play times are irregular which makes me unreliable friend.
In this blog I try to blog about the news on whats going on in the scene and also write about stuff concerning battlefield and maybe even add some guides to help you playing. I am very competitive player and I want to win every time and if I lose, instead of flaming in game chat I try to think the situations in battlefield and figure out what I could have done different. Lot of situations are lost because of bad team play and there's not much you can do yourself to help it, but other times you can. To be the best out there you need to play countless hours learn to efficiently use vehicles and classes and most importantly read stuff about battlefield and watch videos of it.
In forums people discuss about the game and give their opinions and perspective (ignore the trolls and whatever idiots). You get very important information of the game mechanics and learn to understand all aspects of the game. Just by knowing how the game works you get an advantage over most of the players out there. I learned to fly jest and choppers just by watching videos and then searching an empty servers to practice After dozens of crashes I can fly jet well and chopper pretty okay too. Always got plenty to improve, but the for the hours I get to play and compared to other players in public I'm doing very good. People don't even realize what you can learn by simply reading and watching. For example you can enter a tank drive around the deserts and try to shoot the crap out of people. Well.. that's fine too, but by learning how everything works like how can you exit the tank on the side you wish and that kind of stuff saves your life many times and most often makes you beat the opposing tank. I find it more satisfying to be alive killing enemies rather than staring the deployment window.
This is the end of my first blog text. I try to update the blog as much as possible with interesting subjects all about different areas of Battlefield 3. Stay tuned and see you next time!
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